- LIMPIEZAS SAYAGO is a member of ABENET (Agrupació Balear d’Empreses de Neteja).
- Accredited by ITEL as a member of the Spanish Technical Institute of Cleaning (ITEL); a body for technical assistance, training and research, development and promotion of activities related to cleanliness and hygiene in its broadest sense, from textile cleaning, laundry and dry cleaning, to surface cleaning, technical cleaning, road cleaning, treatment of waste and environment.
- Certified in ISSO 9001 y 14001 (QUALITY AND ENVIRONMENT).
- This December 2018, Limpiezas Sayago, has registered its carbon footprint in the Carbon Footprint section and commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the program of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, in accordance with the Royal Decree of March 14th, which creates the carbon footprint record, compensation and carbon dioxide absorption projects.